Breast Implants (Breast Augmentation)
How can I determine if I should have saline or silicone imlants?
This is a personal choice. You should do some research prior to your consultation. The new silicone technology is FDA approved and safe. Your surgeon will discuss the options with you. There is a difference in shape options, and feel, as well as a cost difference.
Are the breast implants placed behind or in front of the pectoralis muscle?
The placement of breast implants is highly individualized and will be discussed thoroughly with you. Where the breast implants will be placed depends on factors such as the amount of breast tissue present and the degree of stretched skin to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing result. Most of our patients choose to have their implants placed under the muscle, for a more natural look, and to allow more of a patient’s breast be seen on a mammogram.
Where will my incisions be placed?
The most common incision site for breast augmentation is in the inframammary folds (creases beneath the breasts). Scars in this location are hidden and allow for better control by your surgeon. Incisions around the areola are used if the patient needs implants and a breast lift.
Will a mammogram be necessary prior to my breast implants surgery?
Depending on your age and/or family history, the plastic surgeon may deem a mammogram necessary prior to your breast augmentation surgery. A baseline mammogram acts as a guide for future mammograms after the breast implants have been placed.
How long does breast augmentation surgery take?
Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital or surgical center and usually takes one to two hours. After your surgery you will spend about one hour in recovery, where you will rest and be taken care of by nurses and an anesthesiologist until you go home. You will need a ride as you will not be allowed to drive until your surgeon clears you to do so.
Are there before and after photos of breast implant surgeries available to view?
We recommend you bring photos to your consultation depicting your desired result.
When will I be able to return to work?
You should be able to return to non-strenuous work within one-two weeks.
When will my stitches be removed?
Stitches will be removed after one week of healing following breast augmentation surgery.
How long will it take before the swelling disappears?
Following breast augmentation surgery, most patients are comfortable with the look and feel of their breasts after about four to six weeks. At this time most of the swelling has subsided and you start to see your final result.